About Us

A&J Bakery founder Paula Paredes

Meet The Baker

Hi, y’all (as you can tell I am from Texas) I am Paula Paredes! I run A&J Sweet Confections, a licensed cottage bakery located in Stead (Reno), Nevada. I love my family and I am a mother to 2 under 2 who continually inspire me, A and J. I am sure some of you may assume I have been baking for years. However, I am here to tell you…. that is the FURTHEST from the truth. I have been the worst in the kitchen MOST of my life. It was a ruthless journey. Meals were burnt, undercooked, overcooked, and over-microwaved even. It was a miracle if any items were ever cooked correctly if I was a part of the equation. Although I accepted my awful fate of cooking skills, I always dreamt and yearned for the day that I could be “that mom that could bake.” After my son Jaxton fell ill I had to leave my job to care for him. It was not an easy decision, but there were other plans in store for me. I set out on a journey with very low expectations to make sugar cookies from scratch. After successfully baking these cookies for the first time EVER in my life, I fell in love. Baking had my heart and I decided to take the leap of faith and begin my baking business having nothing to lose and everything to gain: happiness with a love for baking, the opportunity to help my family from home, and the ability to practice this craft daily. I hope you will join me on this journey!

A&J Sweet Confections On The Radio

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